
BRIMM 103: Economic Sustainability (Spring 2025)

Mar 11, 2025 - Mar 30, 2025

$1,475 Enroll

Full course description

BRIMM103: Economic Sustainability

The goal of BRIMM103 is to capture the gap between sustainability and financial decision-making. Good decisions can be both sustainable and deliver to the economic bottom line. Excellent decision-making delivers to all of the triple bottom lines. This course will leave you with the ability to write a sustainable business statement in the mining industry around any decision you make for your company.

⏳Three weeks/6 live sessions (90 min) | ⌚Tu/Thu 6:00am and 4:00pm (PDT) | 📖 Live sessions, online materials | 🧑‍🏫Benjamin Cox, Ben Murphy

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, the participants will be able to: 

  • Define and discuss what shifts sustainability in the mining industry
  • Be able to critically analyze a business decision from a sustainability point of view
  • Define the range of possible outcomes of a capital decision
  • Apply a checklist to any sustainability decision




All sessions take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00 am - 7:30 am and 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm (PDT)

  • Session 1 - Introduction to Sustainable Mining Economics
  • Session 2 - Water Sustainability: Theory of Constraints
  • Session 3 - Water Sustainability: The use of a Common
  • Session 4 - Tying Sustainability into Economics
  • Session 5 - Can you Price Sustainability?
  • Session 6 - Is Our License to Operate at Risk?


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⚠️ UBC BRIMM may cancel or reschedule a course at any time and for any reason as it sees fit. The Start Date and the other details of programs and courses are provided as a general guide only and may change from time to time.

⏳ All courses (credentials) in this program include live sessions, online resources, readings, activities, and assessments. 

📌 Learning is done 100% remotely.

🪙 Price subject to change. Please check the price at the time of purchase.