
Supporting Teachers to Address the Mental Health Needs of Newcomers from War Zones



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The aim of this knowledge mobilization effort with the financial assistance from Jacqueline Farquhar Endowment for Children’s Mental Health is to provide information and resources to teachers and administrators who are working with families from the war zones that the Canadian government has promised asylum to: Syrians, Afghans and Ukrainians. The anticipated outcomes of the proposed teachers’ manual and workshops are to primarily increase awareness of, and offer avenues to address, the psychosocial stressors experienced by recently arrived refugee children and youth. This work is significant in that it will create resources that will strengthen the capacity of elementary and secondary school communities to provide culturally appropriate support for war-affected learners and their families. The goal is to work with stakeholders to foster school environments which nurture refugee students’ mental health and well-being, thereby enhancing their educational and life outcomes.

This resource consists of 5 chapters:

1. People Coming from Warzones to BC Schools

2. Effects of War and Forced Migration 

3. Distress and Resilience During Resettlement 

4. The Role of Schools, Communities, and Parents in Developing Resilience 

5. Teacher Practices That Support Refugee Students Increased Resiliency

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