
2023FVSP 435 - Managing Forests for Climate and Biodiversity

Ended Aug 10, 2023

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Full course description

Forests are the most biodiverse systems on land, with 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity, supporting food and livelihoods for millions of people. Forest also contains about 50% of the global terrestrial biomass carbon stocks. However, forests have been experiencing massive deforestation and degradation, losing millions of hectares of forest each year, threatening ecosystem services of biodiversity and climate benefit that people have been enjoying for years. Hence, how we manage and interact with the forest is the key to accruing these biodiversity and climate benefits. In this course, students will learn about the forest as a natural-based solution to biodiversity and climate change and, how the forest can be managed for sustainable vital ecosystem services that are invaluable for human wellbeing. During the four weeks of learning, students will learn from synchronous and asynchronous online interaction with renowned professors and experts. To translate knowledge into practice, students will have various opportunities to apply learned knowledge by analyzing multiple case studies, group discussions, critical reflections, and presentations enhancing their critical thinking and communications skills.