
Introduction to LCA of Clean Fuels 2024 Fall


$850 Enroll

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Introduction to LCA of Clean Fuels (this is not a self-paced course)

October 14 – November 1, 2024

Module 1: Introduction of LCA Clean Fuels

  1. Explain the origins of LCA and its use in fuel policy
  2. Apply the phases of LCA under the ISO 14040 standard
  3. Recognize and explain the fundamentals and key parameters of an LCA
  4. Argument the food vs. fuel debate

Module 2: Lifecycle Inventory of Clean Fuels

  1. Develop a process flow diagram for a product or service lifecycle
  2. Explain data requirements under ISO 14040
  3. Perform a basic lifecycle inventory and allocate emissions in multi-product systems

Module 3: Lifecycle Impact Assessment of Clean Fuels

  1. Explain the origins of GWP and how to use them in an LCA
  2. Determine the carbon intensity of a fuel
  3. Interpret a fuel carbon intensity