
Introduction to LCA within Clean Fuel Policy, Part 2 2024 Fall

Nov 24, 2024 - Dec 13, 2024

$850 Enroll

Full course description

Introduction to LCA within Clean Fuel Policy, Part 2 (this is not a self-paced course)

December 1 – 20, 2024

Module 6: GHGenius

  1. Perform a carbon intensity calculation under the BC-LCFS
  2. Explain the capabilities of GHGenius and how to navigate the model
  3. Perform a lifecycle analysis of a fuel in GHGenius

Module 7: Techno-economic assessment

  1. Determine the value of GHG reductions under clean fuel programs
  2. Perform a techno-economic assessment of fuels to support business decisions
  3. Identify areas within a fuel’s lifecycle that have the biggest impact on the carbon intensity