
Sustainability Goal Setting 2024 Fall

Oct 13, 2024 - Nov 1, 2024

$650 Enroll

Full course description

Sustainability Goal Setting (this is not a self-paced course)

October 14 ‒ 25, 2024

In order to determine an effective sustainability strategy, one first requires a working knowledge of sustainability’s components, why they matter and how to set appropriate and relevant sustainability goals. This course begins by exploring global progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals and making a ‘business-case’ for sustainability that can be used to convince senior managers or organizational stakeholders. It then gives students the tools to identify their sustainability priorities based on their organization’s existing strengths, mission and interests. Students will learn how to conduct a materiality analysis and apply a creating shared value approach. The course concludes with an applied lesson on setting specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and timebound (S.M.A.R.T.) sustainability goals.