FoodCert020 (Jan. 2023): Food Safety Management Principles, Laws & Regulations
Started Jan 25, 2023
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Full course description
This course enables learners to prepare a food safety plan that meets the need of the food processor as it grows from small entrepreneur using a shared kitchen to large company with national distribution. Students will be using a case study approach to observe how safety plans change as a company grows and moves to its own facilities. The course is divided into three modules. The Codex Principles of HACCP are introduced in Module 1. The Codex principles are the basis of the regulatory requirements for HACCP in many countries. In the case study the owner of the company first implements a food safety plan that meets the minimum inspection by the provincial Environmental Health Officer (EHO). The BC Food Premise Regulations are the starting point for this section. By the end of the course, students will be able to prepare a food safety plan that meets the more rigorous requirements of the federal Safe Food for Canadian Regulations (SFCR) and audit schemes of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) Module 2 introduces students to the prerequisite programs that are needed in a food safety program. The preventive control measures such as cleaning and sanitation, allergen control and supplier approval will be added to the food safety plan the student is developing. Students will also perform a mock recall to demonstrate the concepts of traceability needed in food processing. In Module 3 students continue the development of the written food safety plan by preparing record-keeping activities. These activities that are used in the monitoring and verification of the food safety program will prepare the student for Micro credential course 3 – developing an audit program. The concepts in this course will be introduced to the student through a combination of pre-recorded lectures, readings, assignments and quizzes and discussion pages. There will be a quiz at the end of each module and a final proficiency exam, in addition to individual assignments around developing food safety plans and supporting documents.