COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control for Students Starting Clinical Placements (Online Module)

COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control for Students Starting Clinical Placements

Started Jun 26, 2020


Full course description

This course was designed for all students in Health Professions Programs in the Faculty of Medicine who will be entering their clinical placements during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you should be able to:
  1. Describe the role of PPE (benefits & limitations) in the clinical environment
  2. Describe clinical situations where various types of PPE are indicated
  3. Safely don and doff various combinations of PPE you will be using in the clinical setting
  4. Identify practices to enhance your safety from infectious exposure in the clinical environment
  5. Demonstrate what to do if you are having difficulty accessing PPE or have questions about PPE use
  6. Recognize UBC and Health Authority COVID-related safety procedures
  7. Review how to access student health resources

Sign up for this course today!
