Full program description


Professionalism is identified as a core competency for healthcare professionals. However, few guidelines are available on how to develop the professionalism curriculum or select appropriate teaching and assessment methodologies. Although role modelling and the influence of clinical educators are critical in developing professionalism in learners, teaching and assessing professionalism in the clinical setting is a challenge for preceptors. This online educational module series, "Teaching professionalism in the clinical settings", is based on the results of a recent province-wise survey and focus groups which explored the experiences of physical therapy preceptors in teaching and assessing professionalism. Although based on physical therapy preceptors’ experiences, the modules were designed to be applicable to preceptors in a wide variety of healthcare professions.

The interactive module series is a self-directed program that discusses professionalism-related scenarios that are common during clinical placements. Video clips are used to evoke authentic learning and self-reflection. Quick tips and further resources to help facilitate the development of professionalism in learners are included, and the principles of Respectful Environments, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) are interwoven into the modules.

These separate but interrelated modules focus on professionalism-related topics identified as challenging by preceptors, including: 1. conceptualizing professionalism, 2. intercultural competence, 3. generational shifts, 4. designing learning objectives, 5. teaching methods, 6. role modelling, 7. assessment of professionalism 8. remediation, 9. professional identity formation, and 10. interprofessional professionalism.